Friday, June 19, 2009

Chicken Pox

As some of you might have already found out, I'm down with chicken pox. At the age of 25 :(

It's so ironic because I told my new employer that I would need one week to settle my things and be ready for work, and yet I'm down with chicken pox at the very start of the week, thus ending any of my plans.

A bad start to my working career. 5 days of medical leave gone. Unclaimable during probation period.

But well, at least I finally got hold of my new laptop. A 15" MacBook Pro. So happy! I still need a portable HDD to transfer all my files from my previous laptop though. But I can't step out of my house yet!

Talking about the chicken pox, many people have told me not to scratch, otherwise I wouldn't look good anymore. But sadly, all the four scars that I have currently, all happen to be on my face. One right at my right eye brow, one at my chin, one on the right cheek, and the last one just below the third one on the cheek. The first two are scarily huge, they look more like infections to me. They look like 2 huge holes, bled so much that the blood all dried up, and now I don't even dare to look at the mirror. I guess that's it, no more pretty boy. Face's gonna be disfigured forever. The funny thing is I didn't scratch them at all. These 2 holes appeared even before the rest of the chicken pox broke out. So how did these 2 holes appear, I do not know.

Besides those scars, I can consider myself lucky because there isn't really a lot of it all over my body, and they don't itch. Not at the moment at least. Only occasional two or three of them itch, but only for awhile. But my friends told me that it itches really bad when it starts to recover, so I'm mentally prepared for that. Good thing I've got a high threshold for itch.

Today is Day 4 of my chicken pox, and I'm already dying of boredom at home. I really need to find something to do. I've cleaned my room, swept my room, packed my table. I guess the next thing that I can do is to pack my wardrobe, which I'll take my own sweet time to do it tomorrow, otherwise I'll end up doing nothing but staring at my computer screen blankly again.

Many of my friends have fallen ill these few days, whether is it a small illness or a major one. So please my friends, please take care of yourselves. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Do not underestimate the power of having lots of water. It performs magic :)

Alright, another 5 minutes of my time wasted. Time to go plan for what to do for the next 23 hours and 55 minutes.