Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Been More Than A Week

And my voice is still not back.

And I'm still coughing.

And I'm still vomitting.

Argh! When can I ever recover!?

Luckily, Partyworld allowed me to postpone my audition to the 4th of August. And, congratulations to my bro and Caleb for making it past the 2nd round audition! Certainly hope that I can make it past the 2nd round too, and meet you guys in the next round! We are enemies!

School's been quite OK. And I believe everyone has already chosen their titles for their FYP. Sadly, I'll have to compete with, of all people, Chris. Chris, 不是你死就是我亡! Hahahaha.

Recently, I don't know what's happening to me, but I can't sleep, and normal dosages of cough mixture (10ml) cannot put me to sleep. So what do I do? I drink 30ml in 1 night, and 35ml in another. Last night, I opened a new bottle of cough mixture in the dark and drank without knowing how much. I just opened it up and checked. New record. 40ml. Hope I do not get too reliant on an overdose of cough mixture to put myself to sleep, as I totally didn't sleep much during the 1 week that I'm not feeling well.