Wednesday, October 14, 2009

第十天 - 大雨天

Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

Can you solve this PSLE question using only model approach, just like how the kids are taught?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

第六天 - 雨天

Me, Neo and Jason met something weird yesterday (or rather, this morning at 4.30am)

We were just walking back to our vehicles when we were stopped by this taxi uncle, who asked us for help. Apparently there was this foreigner who did not want to pay her cab fare, and insisted that she speaks to the taxi driver's boss due to poor service.

We could see how flabbergasted the taxi driver was, and how he wanted to settle this entire saga in a cool manner. But after speaking to the lady (Jason did), it was apparent that she would not budge. The only solution that we 3 could think of was to drive her to the nearest police station, because the taxi driver did not do anything wrong at all. We were quite sure that the lady was actually just trying to do something funny, or that she was drunk. Even after the taxi driver told her to get off the cab and that he would not want her to pay the fare anymore, she still refused.

There was nothing we could do but walk away. The taxi driver apparently didn't want to drive to the police station, because it would mean more trouble and more time wasted. We then stood at our vehicles and watched from afar for about 5 minutes. Finally, the lady came out of the taxi, but somewhat unwillingly. What happened next, we do not understand. The lady seemed to be using her phone to dial someone, and the taxi driver was trying to stop her from doing so, and at the same time not being able to touch her at all for fear that she would use that against him.

But who could she be calling? The police? If she's a foreigner or a tourist, how would she know what number to dial? And moreover, was she really that confident that she would win the case? Everyone's definition of poor service is different, and I do not know what is the definition in the government's view, but I guess it's just totally ridiculous.

Why must she do such a thing to the poor old driver, who is just out to make ends meet? We could really see the face of the taxi driver and pity him that such a thing is happening. Hope that everything is fine for him now.

我觉得我还是用英文比较好 :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

第五天 - 晴天

昨天大伙们给了Ah Ben一个surprise生日派对,大家都玩得不亦乐乎。认识了一些新朋友,更深一呈地认识一些不是很熟的朋友,以及见到了一些老朋友。玩到早上六点才舍得回家。



明天要去social house咯!

Monday, October 5, 2009

第一天 - 阴天









Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Almost died while driving earlier.

Monday, June 22, 2009

On The Road To Recovery

Today's supposedly my first day of work, and yet I'm on MC for the entire week due to my chicken pox! Haha what a start isn't it? Well, I can only hope that my employers are not angry with me, or that they have a bad impression of me right at the start, otherwise it's gonna be hell for me for the next 2 1/2 years.

I think I can count myself lucky. Why? Because my pox never itched before. I don't know if it's the calamine lotion that I apply, or the medicine that I eat, or that the chicken pox is not fully developed, or I'm just plain lucky. I've come across a few of my friends who complain about the itch and the pain every single day when they have it, and as such I was very worried in the beginning. But even till today, when I can visibly see the pox drying up and slowly disappearing, I've never once felt that they itched. They looked more like huge pimples that suddenly appear all over my face and body.

The only thing that worries me right now is the scars on my face. I've got 4 of them, and I don't know if they'll slowly disappear, or I'll have to buy some scar removal cream. Whatever it is, I MUST NOT BE DISFIGURED! Hahaha!

It's the 8th day now, and I'm very amazed that I'm still surviving this ordeal of being stuck at home, and not being able to step out of the house in case I spread the virus to someone else. Seeing how the German who got the H1N1 virus and yet still went out to Clarke Quay for "recreational" purposes and to a concert the next day before seeking treatment, and how he got flamed after that for being so irresponsible, I've decided against going out while I'm still "infectious" and "spreading the virus". Gotta be a responsible citizen :D

Another 6 more days!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chicken Pox

As some of you might have already found out, I'm down with chicken pox. At the age of 25 :(

It's so ironic because I told my new employer that I would need one week to settle my things and be ready for work, and yet I'm down with chicken pox at the very start of the week, thus ending any of my plans.

A bad start to my working career. 5 days of medical leave gone. Unclaimable during probation period.

But well, at least I finally got hold of my new laptop. A 15" MacBook Pro. So happy! I still need a portable HDD to transfer all my files from my previous laptop though. But I can't step out of my house yet!

Talking about the chicken pox, many people have told me not to scratch, otherwise I wouldn't look good anymore. But sadly, all the four scars that I have currently, all happen to be on my face. One right at my right eye brow, one at my chin, one on the right cheek, and the last one just below the third one on the cheek. The first two are scarily huge, they look more like infections to me. They look like 2 huge holes, bled so much that the blood all dried up, and now I don't even dare to look at the mirror. I guess that's it, no more pretty boy. Face's gonna be disfigured forever. The funny thing is I didn't scratch them at all. These 2 holes appeared even before the rest of the chicken pox broke out. So how did these 2 holes appear, I do not know.

Besides those scars, I can consider myself lucky because there isn't really a lot of it all over my body, and they don't itch. Not at the moment at least. Only occasional two or three of them itch, but only for awhile. But my friends told me that it itches really bad when it starts to recover, so I'm mentally prepared for that. Good thing I've got a high threshold for itch.

Today is Day 4 of my chicken pox, and I'm already dying of boredom at home. I really need to find something to do. I've cleaned my room, swept my room, packed my table. I guess the next thing that I can do is to pack my wardrobe, which I'll take my own sweet time to do it tomorrow, otherwise I'll end up doing nothing but staring at my computer screen blankly again.

Many of my friends have fallen ill these few days, whether is it a small illness or a major one. So please my friends, please take care of yourselves. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Do not underestimate the power of having lots of water. It performs magic :)

Alright, another 5 minutes of my time wasted. Time to go plan for what to do for the next 23 hours and 55 minutes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Been too lazy to update my own blog recently :p

Many things have happened since my last update, the best one being me finishing my exams! And hopefully I'll be able to pass all my modules and get my degree.

All this while I've been wanting to go overseas for a short trip with my friends or classmates after my exams, but unfortunately due to the economic crisis, I was unable to find people to go with me. I've not given up yet though. So please, people who read this article and are able to fork out 7 days of your time to go to Taiwan/Hong Kong with me, please leave a message in my tagboard.

Right now I'm just lazing at home everyday, and looking for a job. So anyone with any job lobangs?! Please tell me!

And if anyone wishes to go out for a simple dinner or movie or something, feel free to call or sms me. I'm free at the moment :) Big group outings are recommended.

A side-note: It's time I learn to start driving slowly. After seeing a friend of mine getting into a serious car accident, it makes me wonder what if I was the one driving and got into such an accident? Will I be as lucky as him, suffering not-so-serious injuries? Or will I not? Luckily he's fine right now and I'm happy for him. Let's just hope that he doesn't get a serious punishment.

Another side-note: Congratulations to Marcus and Wanhua! Really happy to see you two getting happily married, and hope that your love and marriage will last forever! Must keep me informed when you guys start to have kids! Hahahaha

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 4

Manchester United. King of England again. Let's hope that they'll be crowned King of Europe again too on the 27th May. Go United!!!

Been reading my old friend's blog and looking at her pictures in her facebook, and am really happy for her that she has found someone that she's very happy with.

Counting to my official graduation from SIM-UOL, provided that everything goes smoothly and I pass every project and paper: 10 more days

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 3

Millions was really quiet today, and all I did was sit in there, drink my jug of beer and played my PSP. It was only when my battery went flat that I started to think about all the events that occured recently. Many people saw that I am a very different person from the Sky they know, and asked if I was OK. Thanks for your concern.

Managed to sleep at only 9am, but woke up at 10am. Haven't been sleeping at all ever since Monday night. If this goes on, I'm gonna die man. I'm gonna suffer from my usual lack-of-sleep pimple outbreak :(

All things in life happen for a reason, and in one way or the other, it's going to make me a better person. I'm learning from all these things, and I know what wrongs have I done. It's time I start to learn to look at things from a different perspective whenever I do something.

Song of the day:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 2

Today's paper was fine. Once again, the exam format is totally different from past years. I really wonder if UOL really hates us, or that they think so highly of us that they can come up with something different and expect us to score.

After that, had dinner with a few of my classmates at V8 Cafe at Bugis. Food was not bad, and company was good. Had an hour chat during our dessert session at 记得吃. Lotsa random stuff like what's going to happen to us after we graduate, what are our plans in the future, school teachers in the past, prom nights etc. Was lots of fun.

After a long gaming session at the arcade with Edward, I then went for a drink all alone as the rest of the gang couldn't make it. Was sweet for some people to applaud me when I sang 很想你 and 搞笑. One waitress came over and asked me if I was feeling emo, because she could feel it when she heard the way I sang the songs. This is what I meant by singing with your heart, and people will be able to feel it.

Sadly, developed a fever when I was there, and when I came back home, it blew to 39.4 highest. Currently at 39.0, hope that it will go down soon. Gonna be a long and really boring week. Anyone wishes to go watch Angels & Demons with me?

Song of the day:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 1

Was out for steamboat with No.3 last night at Bugis, and I must say that the service and food was not bad. They even have free flow of BBQ food. After that was a drinking session with the gang.

Yes, I broke down and cry last night. In front of everyone. Twice in fact, and it's all because I heard the song 搞笑 by 罗志祥. Don't ask me why. I'm one who doesn't show such emotions in front of people, whether friends or family. To those who showed concern and asked me if I was fine, thank you for those words of concern.

I always keep my emotions to myself, and yesterday was just the point where it became uncontrollable. Moreover, many unhappy things have happened recently, and to add on to it, my pressure of aiming to get As for my examinations in order to get a first class honours.

Everything just flowed. It's good to let it all out I guess. I'm perfectly fine, and right now I'm trying to concentrate on my examination for tomorrow.

To all holy beings, my dead dad and grandmother, please protect my friends and I from all bad things, and please help us through everything and make sure that everything will turn out fine.

Song of the day:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Explanation And Redemption

Whatever happened last night, is regrettable. I am wrong to have done such things, and I'm not afraid to admit it and say sorry.

What's going to happen to us from now onwards?

I care a lot about you, and I like you. The whole world knows it. You care too, and I'm glad you do. You had high expectations of me, and yet I did all these, and as such your disappointment's even greater.

Right now I accidentally drew a line between me and you. What I will do, is that I will do what I can to earn back the opportunity to erase this line, and to make sure that this kind of stuff do not happen again. Otherwise, it's going to be un-reversable.

I am still the same Calvin Choy, minus last night. I am still the same guy who cares for your safety, your health, your life, your happiness, your everything. My brother always tell me suffering from setbacks is the way a person improves to become a better person. I will learn from this mistake, and make sure that I do not repeat it again, to become a better person.

Please wait, and don't leave. That's all I ask for.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jackie Chan Slams Singaporeans

However great an actor he is, do you guys think that it's right for him to say such things? I think many people will not respect him anymore.

Taken from Straits Times:

SINGAPOREANS have no self respect, action movie star Jackie Chan told an audience of businessmen.

He said this in the same speech at the annual Boao Forum in Hainan last Saturday, at which he said Chinese people need to be 'controlled'.

In that address, he reportedly said of Singapore: 'A lot of people are not like those in USA and Japan who voluntarily have self-respect. When you don't have self-respect, the government will have to control you.

'In Singapore, you have to abide by Singapore's regulations. In China,you can litter, In Singapore, try littering and you will be jailed immediately.' Shin Min Daily news had earlier this week published a transcript of his 'freedom speech' which touched on the issued of liberty in China.

The 55-year-old sparked an uproar after he told a business forum last Saturday that 'we Chinese need to be controlled', lamenting that freedom had made Hong Kong and Taiwan societies chaotic. 'I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not,' said Chan, who added: 'If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want.'

The backlash against Chan has escalated even after his spokesman claimed that he was referring to freedom in the entertainment industry and not Chinese society as a whole.

In China, a prominent Beijing academic is leading a group of locals calling for a boycott of Chan's 'Believe in China' charity concert on May 1, which will be the first music event held at the iconic Bird's Nest stadium.

In that speech, he also lashed out at Singaporeans' lack of social graces, The New Paper reported on Saturday. 'Sometimes, I wonder why I can't eat chewing gum in Singapore. Then, I think it's actually right not to eat chewing gum," he was reported as having said.

''If I let you eat chewing gum, those people will leave them on tables and chairs. They have no self-respect at all.' His comments have drawn a backlash from much of the Internet community here.

'What's up with him lately? Before he criticised our local female artistes for not working hard enough. Now this? I have suddenly lost respect for him,' said Gabriel_23 on the HardwareZone forum.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

心声 .. 可惜不可能的

聪明的我 怎能让你走
是我的错 请你原谅我
我真的爱你 是真的爱你
希望你能够 安安静静的聆听

Wanna be your lover
I wanna be your man
Can you be my lover
Don't wanna be your friend

聪明的我 怎能让你走
是我的错 请你原谅我
我真的爱你 是真的爱你
希望你能够 安安静静的聆听

Wanna be your lover
I wanna be your man
Can you be my lover
Don't wanna be your friend
Wanna be your lover
I wanna be your man
Can you be my lover
Don't wanna be your friend

说你害怕 因为受过伤
不需要害怕 因为我不是他

Wednesday, April 22, 2009








Sunday, April 19, 2009

What A Week!!!

Had a crazy 7 days, where I suddenly have a "little family", consisting of Neo The Dreamer, Faith The Facebook-er, and Silver The Sleeper.

Neo, 1.78m, 65kg. 32A-3230-32. 26, the eldest in the family. Always dreaming, not listening to what people say, and end up pissing people off, or replying random answers.

Faith, 1.64m, ??kg, 32F-26-32. 21, the youngest in the family. Always facebook-ing, as she has nothing else to do. Will be starting school next Monday @ NP.

Silver, 1.68m, ??kg, 34C-26-34. 24, the 2nd youngest in the family. Always sleeping, as she has some sleeping disorder. Is the most matured in the family despite her age. Very bad with her road directions.

Sunday 12th April 2009
I forgot how we met up, but I can only remember that we ended up at Boat Quay, QB. Drank Silver's balance, before we had the crazy idea of going to my house to study. At 4am nonetheless! This started the "little family" study group, except for Faith of course.

Monday 13th April 2009
Was supposed to go to SMU from 2-6pm for studying, but we ended up at Lot 1 watching Fast & Furious 4. This just speaks volume of our determination to study LOL. Everyone then went their separate ways, and I actually received Silver's message at 4am. Hahaha she actually believed that we were gonna meet up at 2am, and thus the SMS, which woke me up from my sleep!!!!!

Tuesday 14th April 2009
Again, I don't remember how we met up, but I only know that we ended up at my house studying again. Everyone just went about doing their things, but somehow I do remember how someone broke an egg in my kitchen, and how they ended up finishing so many packets of Tom Yam maggie that they almost left none for me and my uncle. Oh, and why is Chelsea the one who got into the semi-finals of the Champions League!!! 4-4!! Poor Liverpool. I hope Chelsea do get thrashed by Barcelona though =)

Wednesday 15th April 2009
Had dinner at Thomson, where Faith and Silver got lost (as usual). Watched Ronaldo score 1 of the goals of the season as they won 1-0 at Porto to move into the semi-finals of the Champions League. Woohoo!!! I forgot what other funny things happened, except that Silver and I had a 45 minute chat starting from the start of the 2nd half of the match. Oh, wait! I don't understand why Silver is so afraid of my uncle though, who is so friendly as to help me get a mattress and a huge blanket for my friends :)

Thursday 16th April 2009
Tonight was a night of rest. Had dinner at TPY with Jake and friends, before we went out to Boat Quay again for a short drinking session. Silver was sick, and ended up playing 5-10 with Ah Don, with the forfeit as plain water! Went to Neo's house just to rest.

Friday 17th April 2009
I was supposed to wake up at 7am, and go to school from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Somehow, chatted with Silver, and ended up oversleeping. Great! Finally, had steamboat dinner! Woohoo! My favourite food =D Then had to travel back to TPY to take Silver's HP, and then back to SMU to study till 2am, before heading back to my house (YES. AGAIN).

Saturday 18th April 2009
The last paper for Neo, which marks the end of his first year in SMU. Sent Faith home in the afternoon for some kind of ceremony which she had no idea what it was, and then went for lunch with Silver. Got spotted by someone who doesn't know whether am I a girl or a guy :\ Came back with Silver to play with my cousin for awhile, before sending her home, and going for concert with No.3! Woohoo! 萧敬腾 really is the man! His live is just so damn good. Will post videos and pictures in the future.

Kinda sad that the "little family" study sessions are ending, as Neo has finished his exams, and Silver is going to finish hers tomorrow. Mine hasn't even started though. Sigh.

Feels really great to be studying with friends. At least they give you some sort of motivation and push to make you study, rather than staying at home alone and getting distracted by TV and stuff like that.

It's only one day, but I miss my "little family" =(

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Another 罗志祥 song I'm learning to sing recently.

The lyrics are just .. fantastic

一直是我 陪你去躲 回憶裡的雨
妳無心 的嘆息
有心碎的 聲音
他的好 他的壞 他的不安定
他的故事 是我和你
愛情裡的 烏雲

從我愛上 愛他的你 那個瞬間起
你只愛雨天 我用傘 保護你
親吻著 你苦澀 味道的微笑
閉著眼睛 我明白你
想念他 的秘密

我一直 在第二順位 愛著你
一直到晴天 你逃離過去

我一直 在第二順位 等著你
一直到永遠 我相信 是我最愛你

聆聽你說 抱歉多過 你說我愛你
我困在雨裡 我的傘 濕淋淋
『沒關係』 是我最 常說的一句
就讓我等 就算我冷
至少我 陪著你

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I know, it's a show that was shown 2 years ago. I still remember watching the trailer with my ex-gf, and I told her that we mustn't watch it, or else she'd be crying and crying throughout the movie.

I watched it 2 hours ago on SCV, and I myself cried like crap too. If you're a dog lover, you watch this movie and you don't shed a tear, then it's either your heart's made of the toughest stone in the world, or you're not a dog lover at all.

Sometimes, it's good to cry all out once in a while. Some sort of a release of all the bottled up emotions that you keep all these while.

Now, I don't mind watching this show again. But of course, I'd prefer to watch it alone. I don't like to shed tears in front of people, unless it's those who are really really close to me.

If you guys wanna cry all out, watch this movie.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Banana Test

There is a very, very tall coconut tree and 4 animals, Lion, Giraffe, Squirrel and Chimpanzee passed by the tree.

They then decided to compete against each other and see who will be the fastest in getting a banana off the tree.

Who do you think will win?

Your answer will reflect your personality.

Think about it, and then write your answer in my tagboard. I'll give the answer in the next post.


Happened to read a few of my friends' blogs and they all happen to talk about the same thing.

A philosophy that I quite rightly agree.

One needs to go through screwed up relationships to be able to appreciate the little things that the current one does, which didn't exist previously.

My ex-gf posted it on her blog too, but sadly I'm at the wrong end of it.

I was the screwed up one.

Lol, but of course I don't deny it. The 4 years that we were together, we lacked communication and understanding. Somehow I just couldn't improve and achieve what was needed.

Hopefully, I remember all these things, and make sure it doesn't happen in my next relationship.

I must always remember, key words: Trust. Communication.

Monday, March 23, 2009











Thursday, March 19, 2009


Was walking home from the MRT station earlier, and saw a lady walking home just behind me. After walking past Castle Green, which is the condo just before mine, I noticed that she was still behind me, which indicates that she's probably staying at the same condo as I am, or the one further down.

The funny thing happened.

I turned left into the condo, and stayed at the entrance there, hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl, hoping that she's a hot babe who will stay in the same block as I do.

But she just disappeared. There was no one. The only possibility is that she's waiting at the bus stop. But I checked out the bus stop, and there was no one there. I asked the security if they saw a girl walking past, but they said they didn't see any.

Freaked out.

Who is the girl? Earlier on, I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of how she looked like, but she was walking very near behind me, maybe about say 10 steps away. So how could she just disappear into thin air when I heard her stepping on the drain right before I turned into my condo?


Totally on a different topic as the previous one, saw this clip sent by my classmate. Bloody brilliant. Heard that this clip was shown at some award show, and it got 2nd with the entire room standing up and applauding the video.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Weekend

Had a great weekend. Didn't spend much money, stayed at home and did simple things like cook and eat, watch TV, do some work, swim.

But it was fun, and felt better than going out till the wee hours in the morning and spending lots of money.

Of course, doing such things every weekend is crazy.

Maybe we should strike a balance. This weekend rest, next weekend play. Alternating this way, we can not only relax our minds and have fun, at the same time we can do some overdue work.

Isn't that nice?

Of course, the company is of utmost importance too.



Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Haha got this from Silver

One driving learner was having a driving test.
He saw the LEFT sign on the road.
He wanted to confirn with the tester.
He asked :"Turn left?"

The tester said "Right !"

He turned to the right immediately, and failed his test.


A man learned a bit english.
He accidentally hit a foreigner on the road.
The man said: I am sorry..
The foreigner said: I am sorry too.
Then the man said:I am sorry three!
The foreigner didn't understand and asked: What are you sorry for?

The man said:I am sorry five.


A man needed to fill up a form in english.
There was one column needed to fill up the "sex"

The man took a long time to think what to write.
Finally, he wrote: Once a week
The officer was laughing and told him to write male or female.
The man then wrote "Female".
The officer didn't understand and asked" Shouldn't it be male?"
The man answered "I am a normal man, so I have sex with female"


A lady went into a high class fashion shop .
She wanted to buy a blouse but she was not sure that's for man or lady.

A male staff approached her and wanted to help her.
He answered her "Unisex "

The lady was embarrassed. She though the man said "You Need Sex"

The male staff wanted to repeat again and said clearly "U - N - I - Sex"
This time the lady was very angry and complained to the manager as what
she heard was" You And I Need Sex"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crucial Time

1 March 2008.

Time to do nothing but concentrate on my upcoming tasks.

Neural Network CW1
Neural Network CW2
Accounting Info Sys CW1
Accounting Info Sys CW2
Computer Security CW1
Computer Security CW2
E-Comm CW1
E-Comm CW2
Human Computer Interaction CW1
Human Computer Interaction CW2
Final Year Project + Report
Study for mock exams
Study for exams
Go for revision workshops
Go for career fair in SIM

Now that's a long list, and I'm not even halfway there.


Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm back to teaching Macromedia Flash in Broadrick Secondary. The students there are somewhat similar to my students in CCKSS: talkative, but willing to listen and learn at times.

I sometimes wonder that if I do not get a good job once I graduate, I'll probably pursue my Masters and become an IT teacher in some university or polytechnic.

The reason why I would choose teaching (if I can't get a good IT job) is because my uncle once told me that it doesn't matter how much money you earn from your job, but what matters is that you love what you are doing and that you are happy doing it. If you choose something that you don't like, but pays you a bit more, you will not be happy at all.

So would you choose a job that pays you more, but you're not happy doing it? Or would you choose a job that pays you less, but you love it?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm a happy man today.

Don't know why.

Must be because of something I heard yesterday. But it's funny, because she told me that she will forget what she said the next day, because she said it while she wasn't really that sober. Hahaha.

I want to graduate and get a job to support myself and others like NOW! Argh!

Anyway darling, thank you for trying.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Day

It's really nothing except a day for guys to buy gifts for the girl, especially if he hasn't done that for the past 364 days.

My dream was to spend Valentine's Day at home with the girl I love, cooking a simple meal together, and after that maybe a movie or something. That's about it. I think it's even sweeter than buying her a bunch of roses that is ridiculously overpriced, and to bring her out for dinner that is also overpriced.

Having said that, I did buy a bouquet of roses. That's why, referring to my previous post, I'm stupid. But well, she's worth it. At least to me.

I hate myself.

Happy Valentine's Day to all out there who even reads my blog.

And for those who are Valentine-less, 愿有情人终成眷属. Hope you'll find your valentine soon.


I find myself really stupid at times.

There, in my car boot, lies a bunch of red roses. But I don't know if I should give it to her as a valentine day's gift. She's not precisely in the mood to celebrate it at all, and that she already said that I can't be her valentine.

Shall leave it there then.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dropping of eyelashes

If I remember correctly, a myth exists saying that if your eyelashes drop, it means that someone is thinking about you.

Is that really true?

Because I just noticed that I have 5 eyelashes on the table, whether from left or right eye I don't know. And another 3 dropped after I rubbed my left eye.

Who is thinking about me?

Thursday, February 12, 2009


OMG it's been such a long time since I last spent so much time in front of my laptop rushing my assignments. Think I better start completing all my school work really soon.

Damn tired.. cause someone couldn't sleep last night, due to her being too excited about her new job and her new life. She called me at 4am! Luckily I still remember what I mumbled for that 50 minutes and 31 seconds that we were on the phone.

I'm very happy for her that things are picking up for her, and that her life is changing for the better.

Time to finish rushing my assignment! Gotta go fetch her to work tomorrow in the morning. Hope I don't oversleep haha

Edit: When you start to have the cannot-type-properly syndrome, it means that it's time for you to go to sleep. Beware of this, becauz it is vei contagos. O no, I caugt it too. Tyem to sleee

Saturday, February 7, 2009

To All ...

To my friends who are ... SINGLE:
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy, but often it hurts. But love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So, take your time and choose the best.



To my friends who are ... NOT SO SINGLE:
Love cannot make you someone else's "perfect person", but it can help you find someone who helps you become the best person you can be.



To my friends who are ... THE PLAYBOY/PLAY GIRL:
Never say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never enter a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall, vice versa.



To my friends who are ... MARRIED:
Love isn't about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry". Not "where you are", but "I'm right here". Not "how could you", but "I understand". Not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are".



To my friends who are ... ENGAGED:
The true measure of compatibility is not the number of years spent together, but rather how good you are for each other.



To my friends who are ... HEARTBROKEN:
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to. The challenge is not on how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.



To my friends who are ... NAIVE:
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble; be consistent but not too persistent; share and never be unfair; understand and try not to demand; get hurt but never keep the pain.



To my friends who are ... POSSESSIVE:
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.



To my friends who are ... AFRAID TO CONFESS:
Love hurts when you break up with somebody. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.



To my friends who are ... STILL HOLDING ON:
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he/she isn't worth it now he/she's not going to be worthy be it a year from now or 10 years down the road. Let go...


So which category do you belong to?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy 牛 year to everyone!

This CNY didn't start very well for me, so I'm hoping that it'll change in the next few hours, or the next few days, and hope that it'll be the same for her.

Loving you.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

林峰 & 泳儿 - 明天以后

泳儿: 在你的记忆里面有一个我
难过过了 天晴朗了 我就走

林峰: 你拯救我的寂寞 我的痛我的梦
在你的面前 我不必保留
还来不及对你说 迟到的我的心动

泳儿: 你的好 你的坏
林峰: 我的脾气你最懂

泳儿: 我不要你心疼我
林峰: 我不要你离开我


泳儿: 我对你 感觉胜过爱情
林峰: 因为有你
合: 给我勇气给我用不完的运气

林峰: 其实也想好好爱你
泳儿: 只怕到最后不小心 让你伤心
林峰: 我不怕会伤心

合: 对不起 我对你

林峰: 最后看你在别人怀里

林峰: 我并不是你的唯一

合: 还微笑祝福你

泳儿: 爱情总让人折磨
林峰: 所以我们才选择
合: 做比情人更好的朋友

泳儿: 我对你 感觉胜过爱情
林峰: 因为有你
合: 给我勇气给我用不完的运气

林峰: 其实也想好好爱你
泳儿: 只怕到最后不小心 让你伤心
林峰: 我不怕会伤心

合: 对不起 我对你

林峰: 最后看你在别人怀里

泳儿: 有天我会找到我的唯一
林峰: 我并不是你的唯一

合: 还微笑祝福你



Monday, January 19, 2009


From the first day I knew you, I've liked you and subsequently, after knowing you more, fallen in love with you. Yes, in the past there was a period of time where I wanted to woo you so that you will be my girlfriend eventually.

But now, things have changed. Right now, all the things that I do are just for one purpose, and that is for you to be happy. And I mean happy from the bottom of your heart, not just the surface. I've been a clown for too long just to make people happy, and it made me look stupid, childish, irresponsible. I'm changing now, to become a man. One that is capable of taking care of you and making the important decisions (not where to eat, where to shop etc.) when needed.

Right now, the things that you're going through, it's terrible. You're choosing not to tell me anything, and I accept that. But it's because of this, I can't do anything at all except to be there when you need someone. Give me the chance to care for you, love you, protect you, and take care of you. It really hurts me so much to see you in such a state.

Many people might think that I'm just bullshit-ting, and that I'm doing whatever I'm doing just to get you to be my girlfriend. But right here, I'm announcing to the world that it's all wrong. 我敢发誓. Even if in the days to come, you get to know someone else, and you start to believe and fall in love again, and become the Audrey that I used to know, it's enough for me.

Am I stupid? Maybe.

Is it worth it? Definitely.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


A lot of things have been happening around my life recently, and it ain't good. Thankfully, I found a song that happens to describe everything that I want to say.

Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart
Baby I know your hurting
Right now you feel like you could never love again
Now all I ask is for a chance
To prove that I love you

From the first day
That I saw your smiling face
Honey, I knew that we would be together forever
Ooh when I asked you out
You said no but I found out
Darling that you'd been hurt
You felt that you'd never love again

I deserve a try honey just once
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong
You walked in you were so quick to judge
But honey he's nothing like me

I'll never break your heart
I'lll never make you cry
I'd rather die than live without you
I'll give you all of me
Honey that's no lie

As time goes by you will get to know me
A little more better
Girl that's the way love goes

And I know you're afraid
To let your feelings show
And I understand
But girl it's time to let go

I deserve a try honey just once
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong
You walked in you were so quick to judge
But honey he's nothing like me
Darling why can't you see

No way, no how
I'll make you cry

It hurts to see you like this, and yet there's nothing I can do except to be by your side when you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. Be strong. You have many friends supporting you. And me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Charming Amorous Lover Vigorously Imparting Naughty Caresses and Hot, Overwhelming Yeses

Get Your Sexy Name

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Been catching up on my sleep debts. I mean, who sleeps only 1 hour in 80 hours?

Late nights are taking a toll on me. Pimple outbreaks man! OMG! I look ugly!

Start of a new year = Time to chiong in my studies. I find that I don't have much time left in doing my projects and stuff. But things are starting to look brighter, after being in doubts over whether is my project feasible and useful. Apparently many secondary school teachers need a system like the one I proposed in my final year project. Now it's time to develop it.

And yes, I'm serious people. I AM STUDYING! Who says I don't need to study?
