Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Game

I'm kind of addicted to this new game that Ben and Cashe taught me. It's actually a board game called Coda, but because we do not have the game itself, we use poker cards to replace it instead.

The game has got 26 tiles, 13 black and 13 white. At the start, each player is to take 4 tiles, 2 black and 2 white, and to arrange them in numerical order from left to right. If the 2 tiles have the same number, the black will be on the left of the white. The 13th tile is a joker, and can be placed anywhere inside the player's pack. Each turn, a player is to draw a tile from the remaining tiles, regardless of black or white, and to place that tile in the correct order in his pack. The player then starts to guess the opponent's tiles. If the player made a right guess, the opponent's tile will be revealed. The player can then choose to carry on guessing, or stop. If the player chooses to stop, he/she can then keep the drawn tile. If the player made an incorrect guess, his/her own drawn tile will be revealed.

The player who gets all the tiles revealed first loses.

We've been playing this game together for the past 2 days, and I must admit that although it is fun, it consumes like 1000% of your brain cells, and you'll be totally brain dead and exhausted at the end of 3 or 4 games.

But it's a really fun game that everyone should try!