Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This was the conversation between me and Hwee Min, one of my classmates, today in school.

HM: 你哪里买的? (指我的饭盒) 学校啊?
Me: 嗯。
HM: 是斋的吗?
Me: 不是。是从菜饭那摊买的。
HM: 哦。那为什么你用筷子?
Me: 因为我吃米粉面啊!

Miss Hwee Min, 菜饭摊 doesn't mean selling ONLY 饭. It has 米粉,面 and 粿条 too!

Of course I'm using chopsticks!

In case you guys don't know, that is Miss Hwee Min for you. Forever blur :)