Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Went out with Edward, Hwee Min, Thuzar, Haoping and Rick today to watch Vantage Point at GV Marina, as a mini celebration of the end of Coursework 4.

Had a nice dinner at Pizza Hut, and then went for a game of bowling in which I didn't do well, but still managed to lead my team(lane) to victory!


Lane 3:
Edward: 96
Me: 155
Hwee Min: 51
Total: 302

Lane 4:
Haoping: 73
Rick: 120
Thuzar: 23
Total: 216

A victory of 86 points!!!

The movie was good, but I just don't know why Rick keeps complaining about it being not nice. I'm not going to say too much about the movie, but I just feel that the way that the director shot the movie is very interesting and new. A technique that I've never seen before. And I find it good. It's like a jigsaw puzzle, and slowly they come together and form the big picture. I give it a 8/10.


But, I still feel empty.

While driving home, I cried. I felt so empty. Even though I'm doing all these and laughing at jokes, I'm not happy at all.

The laughters are fake.

I miss her alot.

If there are feelings that I'm going to have for this period of time, until the day that I'm ready to present the new Calvin Choy infront of her, and that she can start to accept me, it is emptiness, loneliness, sadness.

And determination. Determination to change for the good. For her. For me.